Fresh fava beans and cacio cheese

Fresh fava beans and cacio cheese

This dish has long been considered one of the simplest and best ways of enjoying spring vegetables from the garden. We suggest serving it with a good glass of young Sangiovese, such as our organic IL FANTE.

  • 2 kg of fresh fava beans still in the pod
  • 300 gr Casale organic raw-milk semi-stagionato pecorino
  • Casale organic extra virgin olive oil from the current year, black pepper, and some salt
  • Fennel or dill (optional)
  1. Peel the fava beans. If they are too big, peel the thin skin off of them. Dress them with a little oil, a touch of salt, and black pepper. If you have some wild fennel seeds, sprinkle on top, as they go perfectly.
  2. Cut the pecorino into cubes.
  3. Place everything on a cutting board with a few full pods on the side for decoration.