Looking for white truffle
The white truffle is one of the most precious products offered by the earth. It grows in very specific conditions: damp soils, where the water does not stagnate, in symbiosis with oaks, willows, poplars.
In Italy it grows in many regions, but there are few areas that give the best white truffle. Our luck is that our farm is in one of these areas. Right in the territories of the Crete Senesi, up to Mount Amiata, the “white diamond” finds its ideal conditions for growth.
It is no coincidence that every year in the nearby village of San Giovanni d’Asso is held the famous “Mostra Mercato del Tartufo Bianco delle Crete Senesi”.
Have you ever felt the emotion of seeing a beautiful White Truffle appear from the ground?
Truffle hunting in the woods
Those who have tried a truffle hunt have had a truly unique experience. At Podere Il Casale we organize truffle hunts in the wood, just to give our guests the chance to experience this special adventure.
In short, imagine walking with your family, or your friends, or even alone in the woods with our truffle hunter and his dogs. Surrounded by the quiet and the green of the forest, you will carefully observe our four-legged seekers that turn wagging their tails with their noses always facing the ground.
When they stop and start digging, a sort of thrill rises up that turns into a very special emotion when the prestigious white truffle comes out of the ground. When the day is lucky, the emotion is double because you can find a large, precious and very fragrant truffle in your hands.
Not a tempting adventure? Comfortable shoes and clothes are enough and a great desire to have fun.
Truffle in the kitchen
The Italian culinary tradition has always based its fortune on the great respect of the raw material. The White Truffle has an intense but evanescent aroma, so it must be combined with ingredients with a sweet and little persistent aroma. Furthermore, the white truffle, unlike the black one, must be used raw. This does not mean that the truffle completes the dish like a grated cheese on the pasta, but that it is the dish that must be conceived according to the truffle.
All this attention, combined with the imagination of the chef, can be found on your plate at the Restaurant of Podere il Casale. In fact, after the hunt everything will end with a nice 5-course lunch where the truffle will be the protagonist of the main courses!
Let your adventure begin!