Muosse of Pecorino di Pienza, English cream, reduction to Vin Santo and puff pastry
Cheese can be used in desserts, it is well known. Now the cheese cakes are popular in the menus of many restaurants. But is it possible to use pecorino in a dessert? Well of course, just go to Sardinia and order the seadas. Here the taste of Pecorino is strong. We have thought of a more delicate and refined dish. Creating a sweet Pecorino di Pienza mousse is very simple.
Then the combinations come down on their own. The walnuts, the Vin Santo, the English cream are perfectly matched with this cheese. The dough will serve to give consistency and crunchiness to the dish.
The preparations of this dessert are simple but require attention and technique. If you will follow our tipsthem, you will serve a light dessert on the table, delicious and amazing for your guests.
So let’s start.
For the English cream:
- 4 egg yolks
- 200 ml. of fresh cream
- 200 ml. fresh milk
- the seeds of half vanilla pod
- 120 g. of granulated sugar
For the mousse:
- 300 g. of semi-aged Pecorino di Pienza
- 1/2 glass of fresh cream + 250 ml.
- 1 yolk
- 80 g.zucchero
Other ingredients:
- 1/2 glass of Vin Santo
- 200 g. of puff pastry
First we prepare the English cream. Very simply mix together sugar, vanilla seeds, eggs, cream and milk. Put a large saucepan of water on the stove. When the water reaches the boil lower the flame, it must simmer. At this point put the mixture in a smaller saucepan and cook in a bain-marie. The English cream should have the consistency of a sauce. It will be ready when it will veil the back of a spoon without slipping away immediately. At this point, grate the pecorino di pienza and place the cream and sugar on the fire. It will not have to arrive to boil.
When we are near to boiling, turn off the heat, add the pecorino cheese and mix quickly with a whisk. Allow to cool. Meanwhile, put a boul in the freezer to cool. Put the Vin Santo to reduce on the fire. It will be ready when it will have a viscous but smooth consistency. Cut the dough into rhombous, pierce them with a fork, brush them with a little beaten egg, pass over the granulated sugar and bake in the oven. After cooking, let it cool. When the sweet fondue of pecorino cheese is cold (it is the necessary condition for it to succeed), remove the bowl from the freezer. Put the fondue in the boul with the sugar and add whipped cream vigorously mixing with the whisk. The move will be ready when it becomes soft and foamy, but thicker than the cream. Put in a sac-a-poche and keep in the fridge.
Create 4-5 little hills of mousse in a deep dish. Place it beside or over the puff pastry and then pour the English cream into the dish. Finally add the Vin Santo reduction flush. And the dish is ready.