Ravioli stuffed with pecorino cheese with fish brodetto

Ravioli stuffed with pecorino cheese with fish brodetto

In the article “3 winning pairing with pecorino cheese” we gave you some tips to match this cheese and other foods. Surely, the most stunning and perhaps most appropriate and exciting combination is the marriage between pecorino and seafood.

Your palate will thank you, if you know how to use these ingredients wisely and in a balanced manner. We decided to prepare a broth of fish denser, enriched with crustaceans and to create a first course by adding ravioli filled with semi-seasoned pecorino and sheep’s ricotta.

Are you curious to know how to make this recipe with a spectacular taste? let’s start then.


– 500 g. fish soup (scorpionfish, monkfish, tracine)

– 800 g. mixed sea (cuttlefish, squid, shrimp, scampi and shellfish)

– 1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil

– 3 large tablespoons of tomato sauce

– 1/2 glass of white wine vinegar

– 1/2 glass of dry white wine

– half a large onion,

– 3 cloves of garlic,

– parsley, salt and pepper q.b.


– 300 g. of flour Type 1

– 3 large eggs

– 300 g. of Pecorino Semistagionato

– 150 g. of fresh cream

– 250 g. of Sheep Ricotta

– Salt and Pepper 


First we prepare the ravioli. Create the mixture of eggs and flour, work it well until it is smooth and homogeneous. Cover it and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. In the meantime, heat the fresh cream on the fire without letting it boil and grate your pecorino. When the cream is on the verge of boiling, turn off the heat, add the pecorino cheese and mix quickly. Put to cool in the fridge. Meanwhile, pass the ricotta through a sieve. When your fondue is cold, blend it with the minipimer to make it smooth and add it to the sieved ricotta. Taste and adjust salt and pepper.

It is time to prepare the soup. In a saucepan, cook the chopped garlic and onion in the extra virgin olive oil. Add the baby squid and cuttlefish cut into strips; cook for about 15 minutes with the lid. In a short time squid and cuttlefish will lose their liquid and a sauce will form. At this point add the vinegar. When the sauce has dried, blend with the white wine, let it evaporate and add the tomato and the larger fish and after 5 minutes the smaller ones.

Add water and let it simmer for another 20 minutes. In this time frame, start packing your ravioli. After 20-25 minutes add shells and crustaceans. Once ready the brodetto remove some mussels, some clams, prawns and shrimp. Separate the fish from the soup and blend them adjusting the density adding brodetto to the eventuality. At the end of this operation, blend everything. Let the soup reduce over high heat in a saucepan and when it has the right density add it to the rest of the mixture. To finish, cook the ravioli and add them to your brodetto. Enjoy your meal!