Casale Cookbook

Casale Cookbook


As Podere Il Casale is all about delicious, organic, homegrown food, a cookbook seems fitting to tell Sandra and Ulisses’s story. However, that’s not all the book is about. From the beginning, Podere Il Casale was intended to be more than just a farm – it was to be a place where a different kind of life could be experienced, a life more in tune with nature.

We wanted to convey Sandra and Ulisse’s philosophy, and the many challenges that come with starting a new life, especially at a farm in a foreign country.

The Authors

Claudia Ippolito, part of the kitchen team at Podere Il Casale and at the same time partner of Micha, one of Sandra and Ulisse’s sons, took on the job of creating the recipes for the book. She wanted them to be unique but at the same time approachable for everyone. She was trained in culinary school in Italy and knows all the secrets of making delicious pasta and mouthwatering meat and vegetable dishes.

Robin Bretscher, girlfriend of Domingo, another son (for the record: there are five of them) was responsible for the writing, photography and general management of the project. She studied English literature and linguistics in Zurich and loves capturing the world in words and images.

Additional information

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg